Saturday, March 9, 2013

New Beginning or You can never go Home?

Difficult Roads: Need Serious Tires.
As a Woman artist:  Society has little need for us, unless our name is: a 'Vera Wang' or  'Georgia O'Keeffe' !
Even Frida Kahlo's life was a torturous walk...
So unless your married to a man with MONEY and can carry on your art - (because you do not worry about your roof or meals or health care... ) then a woman's life as an artist depends on many factors that few realize the nature of. How OUR production 'or lack of' - our life's work is accepted or rejected or if we are offered MONEY for a thing we have made - is all part of what I now see as a Social Construct of Pain and struggle, against a society that expects a 19th century view of a woman to still be in place.

Kansas in 2010, became Internationally known as its new Governor swiftly, CASTRATED the Arts and Public Arts Funding in Kansas - Eliminating the Kansas Arts Commission totally in a moment of Joy for those with a political bent akin to backward ignorance and anti-intellectualism- But HEY - Kansas made history and NEWS!

I, myself shut down - drained of a empowerment and belief in oneself- that makes a small business person need to have self motivation: all door and windows and hatches were closed off to me - especially as a woman in a man's world. I saw women in power who were on the end of those state and federal monies- time and again make clear path for men in that community even as I stood face to face volunteering my time OFFERING TO TEACH CLASSES or create a program- with NO EXPECTATION for YOUR TAX art pennies or dollars to come into my personal pocket - even as i saw the 501 (c) (3) rules broken by others to favor these MEN.
In that respect; I 'almost'... can't fault the anti-intellectuals in the KS State Government for destroying the KS ARTS Funding... but they did demoralize me from afar. the real damage that has set me back from posting a single thing to this site and listing MY ART PRODUCTS on my store are a combination of these things.

THIS BLOG is Not to be political in nature!  it is to be the JOY of Art as I have seen others Thrilled with my work. It saddens me this is a Political and Personal expression of PAIN.

SO - Difficult Road has been walked this past year- most difficult since my birth and the months after: I am sure of it. need to ask my Mother - but I bet she struggled....

SO - NEW TIRES: ? literally - metaphorically - spiritually -

Well You can Never go Home: I am sure I heard that one in the Bible a couple decades ago... or some variation on it.
Maybe I can live near by and sent out my visions and gifts through the Internet - assuming i can afford to keep the phone and Internet for much longer.....

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